The “Pelion Olive Oil of the Voliotis Family” has rich medicinal properties after chemical analysis of the Department of Pharmacy of the University of Athens

The rich medicinal properties of “Pelion Olive Oil” have been confirmed for one more year by the chemical analysis of the Department of Pharmacy of the University of Athens, proving the high quality product produced by the Voliotis family in Ano Lechonia.

“Pelion Olive Oil” already has the health claim which means that it contains in addition to its wonderful taste and fruity color, important medicinal, antioxidant properties that make it even more attractive and beneficial for the consumer.

And this conquest the Voliotis family continues to preserve every year, upgrading always its product.

As part of the consistency that distinguishes them towards the consumer public, the Voliotis family sent samples of the Extra Virgin Olive Oil to the University of Athens this year as well, in order to capture its medicinal properties.

The results were impressive, as it turned out that the polyphenols of Agourelaio oil were at even higher levels than the previous ones, which means for the consumer even greater protection from various diseases.


Excellent results

The results of the chemical analysis carried out by the Department of Pharmacognosy and Natural Products Chemistry of the Department of Pharmacy of the University of Athens were announced to the business of the Voliotis family a few days ago and are particularly encouraging.

More specifically, the concentration of polyphenols per milligram amounts to 517, showing the high level of health claim of “Pelion Olive Oil”.

In fact, in the comments of the chemical analysis, the scientists of the University of Athens note for the Extra Virgin Olive Oil: “The levels of olive oil are higher than the average of the international sample of olive oils (135 mg / kg) included in study that was contucted by the University of Davis in California. The daily consumption of 20 g of the analyzed sample provides 10.3 mg of tyrosol and hydroxypyrosol derivatives. Olive oils containing> 5 mg per 20 g. belong to the category of oils that protect against the oxidation of blood lipids in accordance with Regulation 432/2012 of the European Union.

It is noted that the substances Eleocanthal and Elassine have significant biological activity and have been attributed anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, cardioprotective and neuroprotective properties.

The head of the company “Olive Oil of Pelion” Mr. Apostolos Voliotis stated that “we are very satisfied, because our olive oil not only retains its rich medicinal properties, but also increases them. Our company considers it self-evident that every year the competent department of the University of Athens must make a chemical analysis of the olive oil we produce, in order to confirm the health claim we already have. We did the same this year by sending samples from the Extra Virgin Olive Oil to the Department of Pharmacy and the results were excellent, as the polyphenols, which is the indicator of the medicinal value of olive oil, were even higher. Therefore, we provide our customers with olive oil which offers them a wonderful taste and sensation in their food, but at the same time protects them from various diseases. And that’s a double whammy for our business”.

It is reminded that for some time now “Pelion Olive Oil” has joined the “OUR GREECE” initiative, with the company meeting to the fullest one of the required criteria which is the usefulness of its products for the human body.